Brother Francis: Days of Advent, DVD

SKU: 22591

Sale price$14.99
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Do you want your kids to learn about the meaning and Biblical history of advent while having fun? Advent is the season in which we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Lord! It is a time of reflection, putting faith into action, and change. While most people lump it together with Christmas, it is, in fact, a separate tradition. As a Catholic parent who believes in the importance of Advent, it's challenging to teach your kids its deeper meaning. Big industries and the media often portray this time as a season of gifts, forgetting Advent's true purpose. Help your kids discover the essence of Advent with Brother Francis DVD Episode 17: The Days of Advent! The latest episode of the Brother Francis 3D animated series takes your kids on another fun-filled adventure while teaching them to look forward to the coming of the Lord. Your kids can finally learn the difference between Christmas and the life-changing meaning of Advent.

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