Defiance: The Antichrists of History

SKU: 21172

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In her 2,000-year history, numerous enemies of the Church have attempted to destroy her-and every one of them has failed, usually at great personal cost. From the perspective of Heaven, the Church is often threatened, but never conquered-and in troubled times, it's more important than ever for Catholics to hold this truth and find reassurance in it. Defiance! The Antichrist of History and Their Doomed War Against the Church by Fr. Joseph Esper reminds us of the Church's many victories over her assailants, and demonstrates that-through the power of God-she will continue to triumph over every assault of her foes, including her ultimate enemy, The Antichrist himself.
Defiance! is a historical work which takes you back through history beginning in the time of the Egyptians, through the Roman Empire, covering the enemies within and without the Church up through the 20th Century to present time. Fr. Esper identifies the more prominent historical precursors of the Antichrist many of whom were important in a military or political sense, but others who have also had great influences in the fields of philosophy, psychology, science, economics, entertainment, the occult and even religion. In their rise to power and then their eminent fall we are reminded that God and only God is in control.
The "signs of the times" are all around us-and that makes Fr. Esper's book a very timely and hope-filled, resource. "We know all things work for good for those who love God" (Rom 8:28). Paperback, 280 pages.

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