Saint John's Psalms-NRSV (Saint John's Bible #04)

SKU: 5885

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The Book of Psalms or praises is known as the prayer book of the Bible. For centuries, it has been a source of prayer, devotion, and inspiration. Part of the popularity of the Psalms is that they incorporate the entire breadth of human emotion and experience joy, fear, anger, love all the things we bring to God in our prayer.

Visual representations of chants from Benedictine, Native American, Muslim, Taoist and other traditions are the basis for illuminations of the Psalms. The varying pitch of the chants is rendered graphically to provide a motif for the abstract illumination. Every Psalm page features a small gold image that graphically renders the chanting of the monks from Saint John’s Abbey. This process of reading of the Psalms is a continuous reminder that the Psalms are to be sacred songs and that in such singing God is present.

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